Be honest about your living situation when adopting

Why you shouldn’t lie about your living situation.

While we would love to see an animal in every home, we understand why some landlords do not allow pets. We have heard plenty of horror stories about pets destroying properties. It’s unfortunate the few ruin it for the many, but we understand why it’s the case. There can also be issues with allergies. If someone has bad allergies, it is not fair for them to be forced to live in a building with pets. 


  1. If we find out you lied to us, you go on a do not adopt list. We have a list that we are trying to grow of properties that don’t allow pets, and there are means to look up who owns a property to confirm someone isn’t lying about owning. 
  2. Landlords often find out if you have pets. Animals who are adopted that bounce back to the shelter tend to be very stressed and confused. They thought they had a home again, only to come back to the shelter. These animals are much more likely to either get sick due to stress or end up with behavioral problems. 
  3. When animals have to come in with short notice, which often happens when landlords find out about pets, it can be difficult for staff to find space for these animals. 

It is YOUR responsibility to straighten things out with your landlord PRIOR to adopting! Even if you have an ESA letter, you still need to talk to your landlord first. 
Landlords: you can email Rebecca at with a list of properties you own, if you allow pets, and if you have a pet policy you can include that and any other information you want. If you have sent this information in the past, we have it on file.