Four and a half years ago my college friends and I adopted Blackjack to have a fun laid back dog around the house but I imagined how much love this dog could give.
When he first came home he wouldn’t walk on anything that wasn’t carpet, couldn’t go up and down stairs (without being carried) and would take off any chance the door was opened. After some training and lots of bonding and trust building he became the most loyal and obedient dog I’ve ever known. He will come without hesitation and can be taken anywhere off the leash and minds his manners.
Fast forward three years and graduation and now he has every dogs dream – the partner of a forester. I spend most of the day alone in the woods and having Jackbah along for company makes all the difference. At the end of the day we’re both pooped from working/exploring and spend the evening taking it easy.
It was wasn’t easy owning a dog in college, but the companionship and love from having Jackbah along from the ride is second to none. Thanks CCHS, Jackbah (Blackjack) is an amazing dog is living the life!