Lost Pets


  • Put a collar and tags with your contact information on your pet, especially if you have a pet who likes to slip out the door. Make sure this is a break-away collar if you have a cat, as they are known for getting themselves into predicaments. A lost collar is better than an injured or worse cat. 
  • Microchip your pet and keep the information up to date. 
  • When it comes to cats, don’t let them outside. A cat who is never allowed outside is less likely to try to slip out. If you walk them on a harness or have a catio not connected to the home, always CARRY them over the threshold, so they don’t think it’s okay for them to just walk out. 
  • Keep an updated photo on hand. This can come in handy for posters if your pet is lost.
  • Always keep your dog on a leash, and do not let them just wander. We have had SO many owners come in to claim their pet that came in as a stray always stay close, but if they spot something that sparks their interest, any pet could roam. 
  • Spay or neuter your pet. Intact animals are MUCH more likely to roam. If they smell another unfixed animal they are often difficult to stop from taking off. 
  • Invisible Fences are not always effective with all dogs. Some people have problems with them going down, and some dogs are not deterred by them if they spot something they really want to go after. 

What to do if your pet goes missing

  • If you did not see your pet slip out, make sure to thoroughly search your house. We’ve had many people panic and assume their pet is lost, only to find them cuddled up in a new hidden place they’ve found.
  • Get the word out to as many people as possible. Talk to neighbors and make them aware your pet is missing. 
    • Put up posters
    • Post pictures on social media with the location lost and your contact information.
    • Contact your local vets, animal shelters, and animal control if that is available in your area. We do not have animal control in the Copper Country, but the sheriff’s department will sometimes pick up stray dogs. 
    • Post on pages like Lost & Found Paws of the U.P.
  • Put familiar smelling items outside your home can help attract dogs. Their bed, a blanket they lay on often, anything that smells like them or you that may encourage them to come back home. You could also put out some particularly smelly food, but make sure you are not attracting the wrong animals e.g. skunks, raccoons, etc. These can also be used if you decide to use a live trap. If you use a live trap, be sure to check it frequently, and in extreme temperatures and weather do not leave it set all night.
  • Live traps can be a good option for your cat as well if they are seen in the same general area. Stinky food can help attract them, but keep in mind you could attract other animals. Much like with dogs, traps should be checked frequently and in extreme temperatures and weather, do not leave them set overnight. 
  • Don’t give up! Sometimes animals are found months after they are lost. Persistence is important. 
  • Do NOT put your cat’s litter box outside. This is more likely to attract other cats or predators than your feline friend, which is likely to chase your cat further away.
  • Do NOT chase your pet if you spot them and discourage others from doing so. Calmly following is okay, but if you chase them they are likely to get scared and run off or think it’s a game. 
  • Do NOT contact any of those spam/scam pages or numbers often commented on Facebook. These are not legitimate. We do our best to ban and delete them as soon as possible, but they are very persistent. 


