River Valley Bank’s Dollar for Dogs

The great staff at River Valley Bank in Houghton grilled and served hundreds of Vollwerth’s hotdogs this past Friday in effort to raise money to help the animals at CCHS. Even though the weather was brisk, Gary Fish (VP) spent three hours outside in a gallant effort to keep the hotdogs coming as the steady steam of people came by to enjoy a free hotdog. For every hotdog eaten, River Valley Bank donated a $1.00 plus additional donations were made by visitors and River Valley. A HUGE thank you to all the staff: (Gary Fish, Bob Dupont, Jacob Vehring, Megan Plis, Sandra Lindblom, Debra Parker, Joilyn Riutta, Paul Storm, Ericka Hill, Emily Niemela, Jacqueline Heikkinen), customers and visitors who made the “Dollar for Dogs” a great and successful event! And a special thank you to Mac Marzke and Eagle Radio for sharing the air and promoting this event in grand style.

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