Would you like to build a better relationship with your dog?
Turid Rugaas has had a lifelong commitment to understanding dogs, their behavior and body language. Turid is perhaps best known for her acclaimed book, On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals.
Highly popular and acclaimed, Turid travels almost every week-end through the Far East, North America and Europe offering seminars to a wide variety of groups and individuals working with dogs.
Turid will be in the United States in the fall of 2017 and will offer a two-day seminar at the Canine Consultants Behavior & Training Center in Rumely, Michigan on October 28 and 29. Topics for the weekend will include canine communication, nose work, canine emotions, and building better relationships with our dogs!
For more information or to register contact:
Ann Becker anjbecker@charter.net
Edith Finsaadal efinsaadal@sbcglobal.net
Chris Olson chrisol@frontiernet.net