Surrendering an animal to CCHS

There have been a lot of animals recently that were clearly dumped, especially kittens. We would much rather see these animals brought to us! There is no fee for surrendering an animal. 

To surrender an animal:

  1. Contact us before bringing the animal in. You can email us at, call and leave a message 906-487-9560, or message us on Facebook. By contacting us we can let you know if we have space and have a kennel ready when you are scheduled to drop them off. 
  2. Give us any information you have on the animal and be honest. This helps us find the best home possible for the animal. If they are nervous around kids, don’t like other animals, etc. that information helps us be sure to find the best possible home for them. This is why our surrender forms are so thorough. If you would prefer to fill the surrender form out online before coming, we are happy to send you the form.  
  3. Say your goodbyes before coming in the shelter with them. It is extremely hard on the animal to have their previous owner crying and all upset in the office, and it often makes it harder for us to get dogs back in the dog room. 
  4. You may bring their stuff, be it toys, beds, etc.
  5. As good as the intentions might be, you may not visit the animal you surrendered. It is just too hard on them. They tend to get excited and think they are going back home and can fall into depression when you leave them again.